O rynku 
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z różnego rodzaju informacjami na temat rynku, opracowanymi przez nasze zespoły na całym świecie.

Mamy nadzieję, że nasza wiedza i przygotowane przez nas materiały pomogą Ci być na bieżąco z rynkowymi trendami.

Sofia Office Market Report H2 2024

The actively trading inventory of completed class A&B office space tracked by Avison Young Bulgaria has increased slightly, reaching 2.07 million sqm. In the second half of 2024, the vacancy rate of office spaces recorded a slight increase, reaching 14.1%, but remains below the levels from a year ago.


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Explore our latest Impact Report

Explore our 2023 Impact Report, and read about our performance last year, alongside perspectives from our people on the topics that matter most to us – climate action, diversity, equity and inclusion, and community impact.

Accompanied by stunning portraiture, captured by talented female photographers from Women Photograph, these stories are just some of the ways we’re supporting our clients, our industry and each other to create everyday impact for people and the planet.

Explore  now

Avison Young 2023 Impact report on a computer screen in a green room