Bulgaria commercial real estate market reports

Topical research insights to help your business gain competitive edge in commercial real estate.

Sofia Office Market Report H1 2024

The actively trading inventory of completed class A&B office space tracked by Avison Young Bulgaria is 2.02 million sq. m. During the first half of 2024, the vacancy rate was recorded at 13.7%. The stabilization and slight reduction in vacancy rate can be attributed to the limited introduction of new office buildings.


Image of a Sofia street on a sunny day

Sofia Office Market Report H2 2023

The actively trading inventory of completed class A&B office space tracked by Avison Young Bulgaria is 2.01 million sq. m. Only 10,950 sq. m new office stock were delivered to market during the second half of 2023. The new deliveries for the year were the lowest since 2013.


Sofia Office Market Report H1 2023

The actively trading inventory of completed class A and B office remained almost unchanged at 1.99 million sq. m. Only minor projects have been completed during the first half of the year 2023.


Sofia Office Market Report H2 2022

In the second half of 2022, the actively trading inventory of completed class A&B office space tracked by Avison Young Bulgaria is 1.98 million sq. m. Of this 96,000 sq. m new office stock were delivered to market in 2022.